Tuesday, October 26, 2010

More of the same but with Power Tools.

More demo tonight after dinner.  Tonight consisted of ripping out the carpet, padding, and tack strips and all the associated staples from the subfloor in the family room.  First, we had to take out the sectional and rug and coffee table.  The sectional was a b!tch to remove.  It is too wide to fit down the basement stairs or the upstairs so its now sitting in our dining room/living room.

The Cat is starting to freak out.  He's holding down his favorite couch.

 The best tool invented..the butter knife in action.
 A horrible picture of me but one of a few that actually proves I work too.  The husband isn't the photog in the family.
 Somebody was done having his picture taken and dared me to actually put this one on the blog :) 

Staples covered in rug pad that had to be yanked out with pliers.  There must a been a million staples. 

Once the family room was done we realized our floors aren't constructed that well and there are places where they aren't perfectly flat which is important for wood so we are looking into this issue. I'll keep you posted.

We decided to keep going and tackle some more of the cabinets.  The 3 wall cabinets we had left were screwed to the wall and also to each other and those screws weren't not coming out.  The builder had pretty much stripped them putting them in so we thought and pondered and decided to use my reciprocating saw to cut them apart with the "metal use" blade.

 But to cut through the wood parts, we had to switch the blade back to wood so we were switching blades a lot.  I really wanted to use the saw but the Husband wouldn't let me.  Next time that saw is mine. 

How the night ended.  Pictures tell the story.

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