Saturday, October 23, 2010

Demo Day One.

Its finally started after over 3 years of waiting!  The kitchen is now pretty much ripped apart.  Today we ripped out the top layer of flooring (snap together laminate) and taken out all the shoe molding.  We made a trip to the Depot to get a couple of chisels and crow bars and a level.  Too bad I didn't find any of these at the estate sales but I did use my $2 jig saw today.
Shoe molding nailed into the metal slider door.  Stupid previous owners. 
Revealing the 2 levels of vinyl and wood underlayment under the laminate.  I actually liked the vinyl better.
Piles of the laminate awaiting the dump.

After all this we also moved out the fridge and stove and got all the flooring (and cobwebs and random pieces of cat food).  After a couple of breaks, we decided to tackle the first cabinet to investigate how hard it was to remove those.  Not hard at all.  They literally fell off the wall even though I warned the husband that it would happen.  Missed my head by about a second.  

So we decided to live dangerously and see if we really needed the soffits above the cabinets (for things like air ducts) or if they were empty which is standard for builder grade houses to just fill up the space above the cabinets.  So I plugged in the $2 estate sale jigsaw and cut a small hole and looked in.

By the first look, they are empy!  Except for a wire running down for the electrical outlet that we can tuck behind new drywall since it doesn't run in the soffit at all.  So cross your fingers, but it looks like we are getting the fancy 39" cabinets and it will totally open up the space.  We'll check the other soffitt tomorrow when the rest of cabinets come down.
Next up, taking out the 2 layers of vinyl and underlayment and some more cabinets. 

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