Saturday, February 12, 2011

Powder room demo and possible replacements!

While I'm confined to the upstairs with the broken and sprained ankle (I have a cast and still can't put any weight on it), the H is demoing our powder room in prep for the floors install on Monday.  We had put this off since it was our only remaining sink downstairs and we were using it for our dishes.  However, I can hear the saw and the sledgehammer so its going away. 

We had a vanity in the small room and now I'm thinking that instead of replacing it with a new vanity, I should do a pedestal sink.  That way we can see more the beautiful floors and it will make the room larger.  I am losing storage space but the only thing I stored there was toilet paper and that should really be stored upstairs anyway.  I'm looking for a modern sink and I think this one might work and the price is really nice.  It is from Overstock and is the Fontaine Wedge model and only $125.

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