Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tons of updates!

Wow I've been slacking lately.  We hadn't done that much to the reno due to friends coming to visit, Thanksgivings, the husband's birthday weekend and party the next weekend.  But we finally got ourselves in gear and painted everything, finalized our cabinet and floor selection and actually picked up our upper wall cabinets.  We are ordering the floors today (details posted soon!) and since the husband has off for 2 weeks we are hoping to get a lot done.  Some pics of the painting and Ikea pickup.  Note to self, next time don't pick up cabinets while windy and raining. 

Right now all the cabinet boxes are sitting in the family room awaiting the building process.  The kitchen paint color is Behr Candlelight Ivory, the same as the hallway. Its bright and neutral and frankly I wanted something "safe" in here since I know repainting once everything is installed would be a pain.

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